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Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Quote by Albert Einstein
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Perfection of means and confusion of ends seem to characterize our age.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
But the creative principle resides in mathematics. In a certain sense, therefore, I hold true...
I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years...
Nationalism is an infantile thing. It is the measles of mankind.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
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Human beings must have action and they will make it if they cannot find it.
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An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.
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All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are...
Curiosity has its own reason for existence.
Creativity is a lot like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope. You look at...
I never feel age ... If you have creative work, you don't have age or...