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Empire and liberty.
Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes
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Like associates with like.
If I err in my belief that the souls of men are immortal, I err...
The sinews of war are infinite money.
The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil.
It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made...
Ability without honor is useless.
What is permissible is not always honorable.
According to the law of nature it is only fair that no one should become...
Hatred is settled anger.
The only excuse for war is that we may live in peace unharmed.
It shows nobility to be willing to increase your debt to a man to whom...
Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty.
Laws are inoperative in war
The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.
Orators are most vehement when their cause is weak.
No one was ever great without some portion of divine inspiration.
Law is intelligence, whose natural function it is to command right conduct and forbid wrongdoing
The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no...
Great is our admiration of the orator who speaks with fluency and discretion.
The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.