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As a rule, anyone who can tell a good story can write one, so there really need be no mistake about his qualification; such a man will be careful not to be wearisome, and to keep his point, or his…
Quote by James Payn
James Payn Quotes
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For my part, I do not much believe in the predilections of boyhood.
It is certain, indeed, that the sacred writers were apt to make great allowances for...
Nor, in our own country, must we fail to take notice of the establishment of...
For my part, I do not feel that the scheme of future happiness, which ought...
But, on the other hand, the occasional and precarious dripping of coppers has by no...
In England, literary pretence is more universal than elsewhere from our method of education.
Some Critics on the Hearth are not only good-natured, but have rather too high, or,...
To the truly benevolent mind, indeed, nothing is more satisfactory than to hear of a...
The fact is, if a young man is naturally indolent, the spur of necessity will...
A man with an invention on which he has spent his life, but has no...
How large and varied is the educational bill of fare set before every young gentleman...
A great philosopher has stated that the worst evil of poverty is, that it makes...
It has often struck me that the relation of two important members of the social...
And what holds good of verse holds infinitely better in respect to prose.
The idea of bringing young people up to Literature is doubtless calculated to raise the...
In all highly civilised communities Pretence is prominent, and sooner or later invades the regions...
It is quite extraordinary how very various are the opinions entertained on this point, and,...
A nobler example, because a less personal one, of the pinch of poverty, is when...
One would think that in writing about literary men and matters there would be no...
Cultivating literature as I do upon a little oatmeal, and driving, when in a position...