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As a leader... I have always endeavored to listen to what each and every person in a discussion had to say before venturing my own opinion. Oftentimes, my own opinion will simply represent a con-sensus of what I heard in…
Quote by Nelson Mandela
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When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat.
Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.
Does anybody really think that they didn't get what they had because they didn't have...
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your...
I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in...
In my country we go to prison first and then become President.
It always seems impossible until its done.
I hate racial discrimination most intensely and all its manifestations. I have fought all my...
Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience...
There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life...
It is, however, well known that the main national liberation organizations in this country have...
Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.
It always seems impossible until its done.
If the United States of America or Britain is having elections, they don't ask for...
I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from...
It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when...
The government has interpreted the peacefulness of the movement as a weakness: the people's non-violent...
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Education is too important to be left solely to the educators
Those who trust us educate us.
Nothing happens unless first a dream.
The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact...