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All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
Quote by Juvenal
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Rare is the union of beauty and purity.
No one ever reached the worst of a vice at one leap.
The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself no...
All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
Who you know will get your foot into the door. What you know will keep...
Honesty is praised and starves
Yes, know thyself: in great concerns or small, Be this thy care, for this, my...
Censure acquits the raven, but pursues the dove.
It is not easy for men to rise whose qualities are thwarted by poverty.
One man meets an infamous punishment for that crime which confers a diadem on others
One globe seemed all too small for the youthful Alexander.
Wisdom is the winner over good luck
The brief span of our poor unhappy life to its final hour is hastening on;...
Poverty is bitter, but it has no harder pang than that it makes men ridiculous.
The traveller with empty pockets will sing in the thief 's face.
I wish it, I command it. Let my will take the place of a reason.
Nature, in giving tears to man, confessed that he had a tender heart; this is...
Many individuals have, like uncut diamonds, shining qualities beneath a rough exterior.
There is hardly a case in which the dispute was not caused by a woman.
For women's tears are but the sweat of eyes.