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All wealth is the product of labor.
Quote by John Locke
John Locke Quotes
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An excellent man, like precious metal, is in every way invariable; A villain, like the...
Where all is but dream, reasoning and arguments are of no use, truth and knowledge...
Liberty is to be free from restraint and violence from others
There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than...
It is easier for a tutor to command than to teach.
Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.
Logic is the anatomy of thought
Reverie is when ideas float in our mind without reflection or regard of the understanding.
The thoughts that come often unsought, and, as it were, drop into the mind, are...
Our incomes are like our shoes; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but...
The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of...
Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to a rational creature: these...
The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge...
What worries you, masters you.
I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
Vague and mysterious forms of speech, and abuse of language, have so long passed for...
Where there is no property there is no injustice.
One unerring mark of the love of truth is not entertaining any proposition with greater...
I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find...
Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.