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A wise man said Its not a lack of love that ruins a marriage relationship its a lack of friendship.
Quote by Rev Run
Rev Run Quotes
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If a relationship is over, just remember it was bound to happen, keep movin! There's...
Opposition is just proof that you're close to a major breakthrough keepgoing!
Abuse is abuse;;; Be nice.. Harsh words don't break bones but they often break hearts
You can tell how much you believe God loves u & how much u trust...
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If u listen verrrry closely to haters & critics,, u'll hear the death gargle of...
Going solo can leave you SO LOW! With team there are no little is or...
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Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and the end...
Who said nice guys finish last? Nice guys finish before the race even gets started.
God calls us to be humble... Humility is a great defense against humiliation.
Happy is that people whose God is the Lord -Psalm 144:15
Decide to be happy...Smile today... A smile is a curve that sets everything straight
You will only have SIGNIFICANT success when you're border line obsessed with your goals.
Hating on others is useless.. It wont make u jump higher run faster, u get...
The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.
Yea I get drama sumtimes but I'm not IMPRESSED!!!! Neva let difficulties impress u then...
Too many ppl worry more about what they can't see compared to what they actually...
U developed & carried me in my mothers womb.. I trust the rest of my...