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Picture quotes
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A person’s single quote is good enough to note for the enlightened people as what he has got in his mind, thought in his heart and sought from his soul in his life from the words that he has spoken…
Quote by Anuj Somany
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What we like is not necessarily loved always,but what we always love is summarily liked...
The standard of a true leader is that he sets also his own rules rather...
When mind says quit, it is time to give chance to heart saying wait a...
FAME is Fake Attraction Mistakenly Enjoyed
It is always better to like someone, but not good to be like someone even...
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Understanding, appreciating, spreading and implementing the language of Originality, Humanity and Almighty make the life...
HOPE is House Of Positive Energy
The might of the majority is not always right because to sense alright everything that...
The best way for a person to understand and know himself better is perhaps to...
Patience, Empathy, Attitude, Character and Enthusiasm are the wisdom pieces that collectively make the PEACE...
There are always two or more ways to say the same points. Choose the best...
"Not everything is understood the way it is presented and not everyone presents the way...
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A person only likes his friend to the degree he or she relates and connects...
Not everyone may be knowing rightly the things that are actually right,but almost everyone is...
Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly...
Divine right went out with the American Revolution and doesn't belong to the White House...