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Picture quotes
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After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It's better...
#Sophia Loren
Everything you see I owe to spaghetti.
#Sophia Loren
Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some...
#Sophia Loren
I am against all war.
#Sophia Loren
You have to be born a sex symbol. You don't become one. If you're born...
#Sophia Loren
I think the quality of sexiness comes from within. It is something that is in...
#Sophia Loren
I'm a giraffe. I even walk like a giraffe with a long neck and legs....
#Sophia Loren
If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful.
#Sophia Loren
It's a mistake to think that once you're done with school you need never learn...
#Sophia Loren
No press conference announcing a last film. I'd just steal away. Best way because, if...
#Sophia Loren
The two big advantages I had at birth were to have been born wise and...
#Sophia Loren
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother...
#Sophia Loren