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Picture quotes
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Sometimes in your life you have to hold on , hold on because you have...
Some people use language to express thought, some to conceal thought, and others instead of...
To know the world better. Do these three things- Read. Write. Travel
Don't think in your Life. Just Do.
Love what you do and put your best efforts in it , it leads to...
Don’t bury the past if you have intentions of visiting the grave on its anniversary.
Never play with the Devil if you are afraid to shake the dice because you...
Keeping a woman to her word is like trying to hold an alligator by its...
If someone whom you lent money and won’t pay you back will always hate you.
Listen with your ears, look with your eyes, but keep silent with your mouth.
I am not sure anyone loves you if you hate yourself but many will hate...
The glory of man is knowledge, but the glory of woman is to renounce knowledge.
You will always be right if you suspect that you are always wrong.
If you say that money is God, then you should also remember that it is...
He who is everybody’s friend is either very poor or very rich.
Just because someone looks good doesn’t mean that they should be respected and trusted.
#Just Because
It is easier to be human than to be a human being.
#human being
To know and know that you know, not to know and know that you don’t...