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Picture quotes
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When you're dreaming with a broken heart, the waking up is the hardest part. You...
#Break Up
#Broken Heart
#Hurt Feelings
I thought when love for you died, I should die. Its dead.Alone, most strangely, I...
#Broken Heart
If you love someone, tell them. For hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.
#Broken Heart
Abuse is abuse;;; Be nice.. Harsh words don't break bones but they often break hearts
#Broken Heart
I'm not afraid of heights, deep water, or love. I'm afraid of falling, drowning, and...
#Broken Heart
#Facebook Status
Its funny how one person can make you never trust anybody...
#Broken Heart
#Dont Trust Nobody
#Trust No One
S(he's) br(ok)en be(cause) s(he) be(lie)ve(d).
#Broken Heart
#Facebook Status
Saying 'Im Sorry' doesn't automatically fix everything. Apologies can't fix a broken heart .
#Broken Heart
Being attached to someone who isn't attached to you will only bring you a broken...
#Being Broken
#Broken Heart
You weren't afraid of heartbreak until you found there was a possibility of being broken.
#Being Broken
#Broken Heart
I'm still scared to give another human being all of my love and affection being...
#Being Broken
#Broken Heart
You said you would love me forever. Who knew forever ended today...
#Being Forgotten
#Broken Heart
I don't know what the point of leading someone on is. Does breaking someone's heart...
#Broken Heart
Why do they call it a 'crush'? Because that's how you feel when you don't...
#Broken Heart
#Secret Crush
I'm not saying Im so perfect but I gave you my heart and you stomped...
#Broken Heart
Lately, I just keep hearing people blame love. Actually love doesn't walk away, people do.
#Broken Heart
#Falling Out Of Love
Just thinking about you with her makes me so sick to my stomach. I just...
#Boys Suck
#Broken Heart
Every woman deserves a man that can make her heart forget that it was ever...
#Broken Heart