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For when they see the people swarm into the streets, and daily wet to the skin with rain, and yet cannot persuade them to go out of the rain, they do keep themselves within their houses, seeing they cannot remedy…
Quote by Thomas More
Thomas More Quotes
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Humility, that low, sweet root, From which all heavenly virtues shoot
See me safe up: for in my coming down, I can shift for myself.
This wretched brain gave way, and I became a wreck at random driven, without one...
Our emotional symptoms are precious sources of life and individuality.
The heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the...
The heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the...
I die the king's faithful servant, but God's first.
They wonder much to hear that gold, which in itself is so useless a thing,...
Laws could be passed to keep the leader of a government from getting too much...
Fond memory brings the light of other days around me.
Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities -...
Ask a woman's advice, and whatever she advises, Do the very reverse and you're sure...
Marriage is an Athenic weaving together of families, of two souls with their individual fates...
They have no lawyers among them for they consider them as a sort of people...
I would uphold the law if for no other reason but to protect myself.
Love is that enviable state that knows no envy or vanity, only empathy and a...
And it will fall out as in a complication of diseases, that by applying a...
A little wanton money, which burned out the bottom of his purse.
The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the...
Whoever loveth me, loveth my hound.