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At the Isle of Wight, the sound went out and kind of kept on going. And I wasn't... when I came off stage I was kind of unhappy about how we had played. But now, I listen back to those…
Quote by Keith Emerson
Keith Emerson Quotes
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I don't care who I play to, as long as they enjoy listening to what...
I was always playing the Hammond Organ back to front even during the days of...
You've got to keep things flying.
If you're a good parent, see the changes that are happening in your kids.
We can all put weight on or lose weight.
They were keen for me still to play the piano, which I was going to,...
I'm not a rich man, and Greg Lake is certainly not. I don't know how...
We manage to bounce ideas off one another. Every band fights, but at the end...
Since this our first show, I think they'll see us sweat a lot.
I've never written a book before.
I remember that I used to mix with my friends who had brothers and sisters....
I don't regard myself as a great classical or jazz pianist. I like country music,...
If they want a photograph, then just take it.
My sons are into German music, but they are into all kinds of music.
I had written movie scores, television series, played with other people. Carl had done the...
If it wasn't good, I wouldn't be going back out on tour.
I've broken my nose, I've broken ribs. You name it. In fact, we just got...
Next year I'm going to be a guesting soloist with orchestras all over Europe, to...
The best thing about this band is I'm the leader!
I've gone through hell and back.